Resilient Warriors Program: Day 2 of our Young Adult, Dysautonomia Mind-Body Medicine Program at TCLM

lifestyle medicine Jun 20, 2024

Today marked the second session of our four-part mind-body medicine series for young adults living with Dysautonomia and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) at TCLM. Led by our inspiring and compassionate mind-body medicine coach, Geny Moreno, the session provided a safe and nurturing environment for participants to explore the intricate connections between their physical symptoms and emotional well-being.

Geny began by opening the floor for a group sharing session, creating a supportive atmosphere where members felt comfortable discussing their experiences over the past week. This open dialogue allowed participants to voice their challenges, triumphs, and ongoing struggles in managing their conditions.


The group touched on a wide range of deeply personal topics, reflecting the complex nature of living with chronic conditions like Dysautonomia and POTS. Participants shared insights into:

  1. Family dynamics and how they impact their health journey
  2. Navigating relationships and friendships while managing symptoms
  3. Obstacles encountered during medical testing and symptom management
  4. Sleep issues and their effects on daily life
  5. Emotional experiences this week and how this has overlapped with physical sensations/symptoms in the body


This open discussion highlighted the importance of addressing not just the physical aspects of these conditions, but also the emotional and social components that play a crucial role in overall well-being.

Following the group share, Geny guided the participants through a powerful mind-body activity: a body scan exercise. This practice aimed to:

  1. Enhance self-awareness and body consciousness
  2. Strengthen the connection between mind and body
  3. Provide a tool for grounding and centering during symptom flares
  4. Improve overall body sensation and proprioception


The body scan activity served as a practical technique that participants can incorporate into their daily routines to help manage symptoms and reduce stress and increase self awareness. 

After the exercise, participants had the opportunity to share their experiences. Many were able to articulate how their emotions were directly impacting physical sensations in their bodies. They noted connections between emotional states and physical symptoms such as pain areas, stress, and tension. This sharing allowed participants to explore the potential links between their life circumstances and these physical manifestations, further emphasizing the mind-body connection.

By addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of Dysautonomia and POTS, we're empowering individuals to take a more holistic approach to their health and well-being. The ability to recognize and articulate the relationship between emotional states and physical symptoms is a crucial step in managing chronic conditions. This awareness can lead to more effective coping strategies and a deeper understanding of one's own health journey.

We look forward to the remaining sessions and the continued growth and healing they will bring to our community. As participants continue to explore these mind-body connections, they're developing valuable skills that can enhance their quality of life and overall well-being.


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