Group Visit Spotlight: Master Mind Session in Mind-Body Medicine with Geny Moreno

To say that we do not experience stress daily would be to deny the type of society and system we live in. However, stress does not have to rule us, rob us of our peace, or govern our responses and reactions to external triggers. Discover powerful tools in Mind-Body Medicine sessions that will help you develop your resiliency to stressful situations and control your emotional responses while learning to manage and express emotions. Patients who attend mind-body sessions in our clinic discover better ways of coping and practice consistent self-awareness, which we have seen improve their physical and mental well-being. The mind is so intricately connected to the body, so much so that it is so challenging to prevent and heal chronic illness without engaging in mindfulness practices and working on the mental aspects of healing.


Mind-Body Medicine practitioner, Geny Moreno, takes great pride in her work in guiding patients with the tools and training that she has implemented and continues to develop even today. Mind-body tools work best when they are practiced consistently, especially when developed in the setting of a safe group space. This allows patients to connect, relate, and realize that they are not alone in their healing journey.


Join Geny in her virtual sessions on Zoom by setting up an appointment with TCLM. Currently, she is teaching a Master Mind, Mind-body Medicine group session, where she trains patients in the basic skills of mind-body practices and develops patients' realization of belief systems governing their behavior. This session will dive into polyvagal theory, as Geny will teach how the subconscious is shaped and how our belief systems drive who we are and how we operate. If you are tired of being driven by triggers and emotional reactions, this session will provide you with the basic knowledge to get started in unwiring old patterns to leave room for the new!


Contact TCLM for more information and to sign up for Geny's virtual group sessions. We will see you there!


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