
Dysautonomia and POTS Program at TCLM! Hope for Healing

When walking through chronic illness or long lasting symptoms, the journey can begin to feel bleak and hopeless. When all hopes for healing disintegrate and questions are left unanswered, one can begin to define themselves by their disease rather than the beautifully complex human they are, that may be in a current state of imbalance. At TCLM we shift the focus from disease by providing compassionate care, understanding, and tools to guide patients along their healing process. We are determined to get to the root causes of symptoms, rather than simply masking or medicating them. We acknowledge that our members are a human first, and are experiencing more than just physical symptoms, but various emotional and spiritual implications that are either contributing to, or a result of lasting symptoms.

Dysautonomia is a medical condition that affects the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for regulating vital functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, and...

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New Group Visit Sessions Beginning this Month! From Dysautonomia, to Fibromyalgia, Diabetes, Metabolic Health, and more!

We are thrilled to announce that our clinic is launching a new series of group visit sessions, starting next week, led by our very own Dr. Cheng Ruan. These sessions are designed to provide support and education for patients dealing with autoimmune conditions, POTS/dysautonomia, fibromyalgia, chronic pain syndromes, diabetes, metabolic health (weight loss groups), and those wishing to focus on brain health!


These group visits are a wonderful opportunity to connect with others who are going through similar experiences, as well as to receive valuable information and insight from our expert clinicians. We know that managing chronic conditions can be challenging, and we want to provide a safe and supportive space for you to learn and grow together.


Dr. Ruan is passionate about empowering patients to take control of their health and improve their quality of life. His knowledge and expertise in these areas will provide you with the tools and resources you need to manage your...

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In-Person Mind-Body Medicine Group Sessions

If you have been feeling extra run-down lately, impacted by the stressors of everyday life and need to take a breather, here is your opportunity to take care of yourself! Thursday mornings, Geny Moreno will be leading her most popular Mind-Body Medicine interactive group visit in the clinic. At 8:30 AM, she will begin her Breathwork Group session. In this visit, Geny will be walking members through breathing techniques to improve autonomic nervous system function, promote relaxation, and improve vagal tone. This means you will leave feeling refreshed, with tools to take with you in everyday life, whether you are facing stressful circumstances or managing chronic health issues.


Evidence shows that breathing is so important for our immune function, cardiovascular health, metabolic function, and mental health. When we experience stress, or if we have accidentally trained ourselves to breathe improperly through habit formation, we rob our bodies of proper oxygenation and blood...

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Nutrition Group Coaching every Wednesday!

Nutrition group coaching sessions with Ruben, a Registered Dietitian, provide an interactive approach to learning how to eat in a healthy and non-restrictive manner. These sessions are designed to help members decrease inflammatory foods in their diets that could be impeding their health progress. During each session, Ruben opens the floor for questions and allows members to share their struggles, ideas, and progress. Every meeting is tailored to the needs of the group so that everyone can get the most out of it. If you're looking for a new way to improve your overall health through nutrition education, then Nutrition Group coaching sessions might be just what you need!


For those striving to improve their metabolic health, reduce inflammation, manage symptoms, ward off metabolic and immune issues, or just nurture better wellbeing overall, our group coaching provides members with an invaluable toolkit! During these interactive visits, members are taught how to eat in a healthy...

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How Brain Mapping Can Improve Your Mental Health

Most of us know that our mental health is drastically impacted by physiological as well as psychological triggers. While we may do our best to manage stress, develop resiliency, and incorporate spiritual and mental healing practices, there may be other organic factors at play, contributing to our mental and emotional state. The sad truth is, people may spend months or years attempting to get to the root of these issues and often have no clue where to begin in their search. They may not even know what options and diagnostic tools are available.


Brainview uses a combination of EEG, functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), and quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) to create a detailed map of brain activity. This allows us to pinpoint specific areas in the brain that may be causing cognitive issues and tailor treatment plans accordingly. Not only have we been able to detect sleep related issues, but inflammation from traumatic brain injuries, PTSD, sinus issues, and even...

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How Oral Health Impacts our Overall Health

What is the difference between biological and holistic dentistry versus conventional dentistry? This is an important question that many of our patients ask when referred to a dental/upper airway specialist. More research has shown that there is indeed a drastic connection between our oral health, mouth structure, jaw and skull structure, and the development of chronic illnesses.

Periodontal disease has been connected to heart disease, cardiovascular issues, metabolic issues, increased, inflammatory responses, poor immune function, hormone imbalances, and blocked lymphatic drainage, pathways. There have been even research studies, showing a connection between infected teeth and development of inflammatory diseases. We do not wish to add a sense of fear to our patients, but we do always want to ensure that we are providing our patients with education related to disease, prevention and treatment options.

Therefore, our providers may ask you questions related to your oral history and...
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Supporting the Mind and Body to improve Mental Health

Uncovering the source of mental health issues can be a daunting and difficult task. The mind and body are definitely connected in very intricate ways, so it can be challenging to get to the root of mental health struggles. Often, patients are left wondering what came first: Was there a physiological imbalance contributing to poor mental health, or did the emotional turmoil contribute to the manifestation of disease? For many years, psychiatry would approach mental health from a standpoint of strictly chemical imbalances with no hope of improvement without long-term medication. However, many people do not wish to take medication for a long time and some may even have adverse side effects as a result of psychiatric medication.


We believe that there is absolutely no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to managing one's mental health; however, we do know that there are now many more options than there once were. This is great news for many of our members who have been left...

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Kitchen Behavior Training Featuring Dr. Felix Liao, DDS

Last week Chef Franklin kindly invited a special guest to our Culinary Medicine session, his father, Dr. Felix Liao. We were so honored to have Dr. Felix Liao with us to share his experience and knowledge in treating structural issues of the mouth and jaw, in order to improve the health and quality of life for so many.


Biological and Holistic Dental solutions that focus on airway health have made their way to the top of our list when it comes to disease treatment and prevention, as we have seen mind blowing transformations in our patients' physical and mental health. We have formed a collaborative care approach with airways specialists, sleep specialists, biological dentists, and myofunctional therapists in order to improve the health outcomes of our patients.


Last week in our Kitchen Behavior Training group sessions, Dr. Liao discussed epigenetics- how lifestyle changes and environmental triggers have a direct impact on structural issues of the mouth and jaw and how...

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Practitioner Spotlight: Amy Bryant

We are grateful to have Amy Bryant, NP, on our team at TCLM! She is an investigator who helps patients get to the root of complex conditions that many practitioners shy away from. Her ability to understand the underlying causes of these conditions, her approach in providing supportive therapeutic elements, and her individualized protocols for her patients set her apart. She spent years as an Oncology Nurse prior to her position at TCLM as a Nurse Practitioner.


Amy is trained in extensive holistic health methods that go beyond nursing, and she enjoys guiding her patients through the highs and lows of healing and managing symptoms of chronic illness. When patients see Amy, they are met with genuine care and concern for their wellbeing on a deeper physical and emotional level. Through their journey in the clinic, Amy provides tools and options to help patients navigate the healthcare system and never feel alone. She founded and continues to lead the IV Infusion Department at...

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Practitioner Spotlight: Dr. Deema Farah

Meet Dr. Farah, a Family Medicine Physician and board-certified diplomat of the American College for Lifestyle Medicine. She is dedicated to helping our new patients improve their overall health and wellness through personalized lifestyle recommendations. Dr. Farah conducts thorough evaluations to understand each patient's unique needs and works closely with them to develop a plan that will support their health goals.


Dr. Farah is committed to empowering patients to take control of their health and make positive changes that will improve their quality of life. She believes there is no such thing as a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to health and wellness, and she thoroughly evaluates each individual patient's needs according to the outcome that they wish to achieve.


Because Dr. Farah has an integrative approach to medicine, she makes sure to educate her patients about lifestyle health options first, before resorting to medication or supplementation. She...

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